#2: Sacral Chakra - with Joe and Rachel

Joe and guest Rachel Tondreault, take us on a vulnerable journey of exploring the sacral chakra, Svadhishthana. Our center for all things creativity and sexuality. Together they discuss how we might feel stagnation in our sacral chakra and how that can translate into your creativity feeling #blocked. They're talking forms of art that they feel drawn to, "bad art",  addiction and how the lack of a creative outlet could possibly lead to it.

Show Notes and Links:

2nd ACT: https://www.weare2ndact.org

The Atlantic, The Monk Who Thinks The World Is Ending by Annie Lowrey

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#3: Solar Plexus Chakra - with Joe, Corey and Olivia


#1: Root Chakra - with Joe, Corey, and Caitlin